It’s Time to Rethink Training:
Why Creatives Need to Commit to Ongoing Learning & Development
July 19, 2022
Written by TSHRC
Why Training Should Be More Than a Box-Ticking Exercise
There`s no clear pathway into the creative industries, i.e, go to university, get a degree, turn up at a job interview and get hired. Now more than ever, those traditional routes are breaking down, as professionals break into the industry via pathways such as internships, shadowing opportunities, freelancing, referrals, apprenticeships, charity placements, even by being discovered on TikTok and Instagram.
However, because there`s no necessarily linear career trajectory, it`s important to think about how you as an individual or as a company recruiting creatives assess, monitor and think about growth and development. In such a vocational career that can rely on a learn-on-the-job approach, informal networks and freelance contracts, it`s easy for gaps in knowledge, experience and skill to crop up.
As a creative, you may boast an impressive portfolio, but if you turn up to a studio or set one day without the skills to negotiate or handle conflict and resolution, or you discover you need to use a specific software you`ve been putting off learning for months, or you feel unsafe in the work you`re doing⋅⋅⋅ have you got a plan to deal with these challenges?
Just as equally, if you`re a company, what training are you offering your team? Is it bespoke and strategic? Is it cost-effective? Do you understand where your team members need improvement? Does your team understand your company`s code of conduct, compliance and what is and isn`t acceptable behaviour?
Clearly, training then is about more than just your craft, it`s about how you continually develop and conduct yourself as a professional. Equally for companies, training should be more than an admin necessity, be a strategic and concerted effort to grow your team and business`s capabilities.
It`s for these reasons, we think it`s time to rethink training as more than a box-ticking exercise and doing the bare minimum. We hope this article is food for thought companies, freelancers, newbies, creatives and managers alike who want to find out how they can commit to ongoing learning and development.
Building the Foundations – The Difference Good HR Training Can Make
No matter your industry or company, it`s a necessity you comply with employment laws, rules and regulations and that your employees to do the same; this is usually delivered through some kind of HR training. However, we believe HR training shouldn`t stop there. You might request your team simply read over your company`s code of conduct and expectations in their own time, or attend a talk or watch a video. But realistically, are they going to? Even if they do, are you able to test their understanding?
But why does this matter? So long as teams are resourced and skilled enough to complete their projects, things like diversity and inclusion training are just obstructions to tight budgets and tight timescales. Right? We think modern HR training should be about more than that.
Ultimately, the training you offer should eliminate misunderstanding, clarify what is discriminatory and bullying behaviour and ensure everyone across your company or organisation are on the same page, aware of its structure and management, where to go when an issue arises and how they can confidently address issues; we touched on some of this in our Psychological Safety blog.
Modern HR should be the foundation that promotes clarity and safety in your organisation, and since the creative industries can run on long days in fast-paced and stressful environments, we believe this should be paramount.
This is exactly why we created TSHRC Microlearning App, to make training accessible, flexible and interactive for employees with busy schedules working across different geographies, and to give companies and management the metrics and data they need to assess understanding. Don`t worry, we`ll touch on this in more detail a bit later.
Learning On the Job Isn`t Always Enough − Why Individuals Should Always Pursue Further Training
We know that our careers are a marathon, not a sprint, but no matter our industry, it`s good to set goals and objectives. Unfortunately, our commitment to these can fall through the cracks very quickly, especially if you`re someone jumping from project to project in the space of a year.
However, we think that if you`re a freelancer or a professional creative, you should always be thinking about how you carve out time for learning and development. At TSHRC, we truly believe that training is one the best investments you can make in yourself. Of course, it can make you more employable, but crucially, we believe it future-proofs you for the challenges your career throws at you. This should be just as important as the time you allot for invoicing, accounting and filling in your tax information.
Perhaps you`re an impressive photographer, but can you manage a disorganised shoot or know how to assert your rights when they`re challenged? Can you market yourself effectively? Can you identify what makes a strong or weak manager and do you know how to address them? Are you using the most up to date techniques in your work? Do you keep abreast of changes in your industry? Sometimes, these are questions you want to avoid discovering on the job.
If you`re not making the time for training, here are some ideas to get you started:
Whether you a dedicate half a day or half an hour to learning and development, find time that`s realistic and achievable for your daily/weekly/monthly schedule. Training doesn`t always have to mean getting a qualification either; time spent in webinars, conferences, watching tutorials on YouTube or reading newsletters all contribute to broadening your networks and knowledge.
When you`re contracted to a project or company, ask them what training they offer. Companies that honestly care about growth, development and finding the best talent should be making these commitments to whom they contract.
Use and build your networks. If self-discipline is one of your challenges, perhaps community learning is the right place for you to get started. There`s a great deal you can learn from your fellow freelancers, there are Facebook groups abound and plenty of fellow creatives willing to chat over a coffee.
You’re Only as Good as the People You Surround Yourself With – How to Invest in Your Team’s Development
Nurturing a talented workforce is a no-brainer for your business, but often times, it can get overlooked or delayed. As we explored in our blog on The Great Resignation and The Power of Thank You, employees simply expect more than a payslip if they`re going to commit to your company and forge a long-term relationship with you.
That`s why we think training should be just as fundamental to your HR processes as payroll or onboarding, and there are ways you can seamlessly integrate it into your day-to-day operations.
Here are some practical steps you can take to implement ongoing L&D:
Find out how certain people like to receive their reviews and feedback, whether that`s in-person or virtually, written or verbally, monthly or quarterly. This can be your opportunity to identify training gaps and set goals on an individual and team basis, and strategies for collective training solutions in the future.
Find ways to delegate resources for learning, whether that`s a monthly newsletter, a communication channel people can share advice and tips in, or potential webinars or programmes your team can benefit from.
Find out how people learn best, whether that`s in front of a computer, in a team scenario, by doing or shadowing.
If you`re a smaller company, consider teaming up with another similar company that`s ethos aligns with yours to spread the costs of training days and opportunities.
Train The Small HR Way
We hope by now that you can see training should be more than just box-ticking. Instead, it can be a hugely impactful asset in your company`s strategy, cohesion, talent acquisition and for yourself as an individual professional.
At the Small HR company, our mission is to create great places to work, and we believe L&D is one of the best paths to doing this. We want training to be dynamic, bespoke and meaningful. That`s why we offer a range of interactive training services that can be designed specifically for what teams need.
These include TSHRC Coaching which offers a curated, collaborative development programme designed by exceptional coaches; as well as TSHRC Workouts, available in-person and virtually, that can range anywhere from 90 minutes to half the day. With our HR services and solutions including onboarding, metrics and data, company culture and design, we can also help you build sustainable practices to effectively measure your teams progress and set training targets.
Finally, our new mobile microlearning solution makes training large teams a breeze, with bespoke interactive courses created by us that fulfil your HR and legal training criteria. All team members need is a device; the onboarding process is simple and we monitor competition analytics and create reports. Our microlearning solution comes with a variety of learning options, including unique courses the can be designed by us to fulfil your goals and HR needs.
Whatever your training ambitions, The Small HR Company can help. We have a solution for you, so contact us today to the next steps towards your professional development.